Pengalaman Nonton Konser One Direction #OTRAJakarta 25 Maret 2015

On The Road Again Tour Jakarta

Disclaimer: I wrote this when I was like... 16


What Does March 25th Mean to Me?
It. Means. A. Lot. To. Me.

Even tho i no longer remember tiny bits of how it exactly went. But it sure does mean a whole world to me. It seriously was like a dream came true. i still now cant believe that i actually have seen them. It feels so indescribable. When they came out to the stage and started to sing Clouds i lost my control right there. I was all-screaming and sounded so crazy.

I was (til now honestly) so short and i was jumping all the time with a bit of hope that maybe one of them would see me (yes, i am pathetic i admit). And i literally couldnt stop playing with my light stick that night, i didnt know what was the purpose of it i just liked waving it (yes, with a bit of hope that they at least could see my hand). And i sang along with them like crazy, my voice sounded so odd because of the flu i had asksdefrgvtlblblb but no one seemed to care actually.

During Through The Dark, i felt so dizzy like... dehydrated? I dont know. So my friend took me to the edge of Festival area and asked a man who was giving a glass of water to whoever needed it. That man gave me two glasses of water but i just drank one. AND I HONESTLY STILL HAVE THE OTHER ONE IN MY ROOM OH MUY GOD. Yes, that two-years-old water may still tastes the same but i dont want to die so i just want to keep it to remember that night. im so f-ing weird sjcdskcjkfnvkjvlbvb;.

I reaaaallllyyy love hearing them singing that night because it was SO REAL like i heard them with MY OWN EARS like it wasnt through the phone nor my laptop. And the fact that i saw them live, right there, in front of my eyes—even tho it wasnt that clear because people’s heads blocked my view due to my shortness(?) (if thats even a word)— like it wasnt through my phone screen anymore. And how crazy i went everytime they said ‘Jakarta’ and followed by Liam saying  that it was the loudest crowd ever (even tho he seemed like to always mentioned it in every gig) but i stil felt like exploding!!

And oh my God, the fact that i saw a bit of larry moment on stage when they PLAYED A BALL TOGETHER DURING ‘STORY OF MY LIFE’ skjcdvjcnfjkynbkho. I. Melted.

Harry was soooo nice as always he was blowing kisses like literally everywhere and liam was so cute and kind and niall was being hot obviously with his guitar and louis oh my my my how i love when he said ‘Jakarta’. Damn idk man, i just loved how it sounded in his accent, i love hearing louis talks!!! Even tho one of them was not there. It was very disappointing for not having him right there, if im being honest.

When Best Song Ever being played, and i knew that the concert was about to end, i was like noooo dont end this. Because the fireworks and everything, it makes me even more sad to realized that it was meant to be ended. When the concert ended i felt so... numb? Like so empty,tired,and sad. I didnt know anymore. Like maybe it was the last time i saw them. But i decided to not listen to that satan who gave me that nightmare thought.

So when i got home from the best night of my life, i entered my room and looked at the posters that almost covered all my walls. And in that moment i realized, that my life is still actually going to be the same. But i dont have to worry. Because i have seen one direction and i know that they actually exist in this earth and was breathing the same air as me.

I slept in my mom’s room that night. I still gave myself a chance—that soon i regretted—to open my phone. And it came to that one damn post on facebook: 1D Statement.

That bullshoot actually ruined my entire night. The night that i thought was gonna be the best and unforgattable night of my life was damaged. It felt like losing a friend. I didnt know how to react the seconds after i saw it. I was staring at nowhere until my mom asked what was wrong with me, and there was the moment i cried.

Yes of course i cried but at least it was just for two days (hey i still marked it as normal, dont judge me). I was being immature that day. Im gonna be honest here now: I draw a big X on his face all over the posters and all the useless things. Forgive me okay, i was only 14. But i felt so mad. Like how could he?

You just cant realize how much someone or something actually means to you until it wasnt there anymore.

HAHAHA but now i think about it, i decide to not giving a single F. It is what it is tho. Ruining posters wont make things better.

We all have a life.

So if i got asked (but who would ask, tho?) or if i ask myself many years from now about what does March 25th mean to me? The answer is, it means a lot of sacrifice, happiness, sickness, sadness, craziness, excitement, love, and tears.

Some may wont understand, i cant put and point out such a big event to words, but yeah thats how it means based on my point of view.

Maybe you have something to say about March 25th two years ago today or other occasions? Please dont mind to comment below i will really appreciate it. :D


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